Saturday, January 16, 2010

1 of 2

Benjamin is home!!! We are very excited. So we have 1 of 2 home. Jacob is still several weeks away. So far the girls have managed to do everything every new mom cringes at. They have managed to touch his face, hands, and head. That was the first thing they did when we brought him home. It all happened so fast I didn't get a chance to stop it. So, the new rule is 'if you must touch Benjamin or hold him, then you must sanitize your hands first.' The girls don't mind this because they get to hold him in the end. These boys will be so spoiled because the girls always want to hold them. I am so glad I have had the time to rest and recover because having twins and still recovering from childbirth would be very difficult. I can't wait for everyone to see the boys. I'm not too thrilled about bringing him to church yet though. I know he is almost 3 months old but I want to get him used to our germs first before I take him to church. Oh course, I will bring sanitizer along for anyone who absolutely must touch his face and hands. Even on his car seat there is a little stop sign that says, 'Please wash your hands before touching mine.' Each car seat has that. We will see how effective that is when I finally take him out in public.


  1. I would wait a few weeks before you took him to church, but that is just me. Especially with him still being so small it can be scary in the winter with all the sicknesses!

  2. I would wait a little while too on the church thing. Congrats! We're happy he's finally home. We will keep praying for Jacob. After we brought Brodi home one day I had to go help Richard saw some countertop in the garage-so I put Brodi on the couch thinking he would be fine. Well I guess he started to wimper a little so Charley decided to go pick him up (remember she was only 3 at the time). We walked in and saw her walking around with him and yelled for her to put him down, so she ran over to the recliner and threw (yes-threw) him on it, I guess I scared her. Amazing how resilient babies are, everyday Brodi falls off something and I think that it will somehow be permanent and scaring, but he's always fine.

  3. That's a great idea for the carseats. Hopefully it works.

  4. Glad I got a peek of Benjamin, yesterday. He is a mighty cute little baby. Church is the germ capital of the world -- wait a little while.
