Sunday, December 13, 2009

Getting Better

I know it's been a while but here are some updates. Jacob is still on the CPAP but his pressure isn't as high as it was. If he does well enough over the next several days then he can go to the nasal cannula like Benjamin has. That will be better because right now the air masks he has is rubbing his nose raw. I know that is sad to think about, but be glad you don't have to see it. That is pretty sad. His face has a yeast infection because some moisture found it's way underneath some bandages that were on his face and cultured there. His face is clearing up after only a day on the ointment they gave him. I went in this morning and I held him. I kangaroo held him so he was on my chest and we were laying down in a chair they have that reclines. I am so tired I fell asleep as well. It was hard to stay awake with a warm baby, warm blankets, and the comforting sounds of his breathing. So, we took a nap. He wasn't too happy with me when I had to put him back. I did have to leave so we could get ready for church. Jacob weighs about 3 lbs 9 oz now. He is gaining weight and hopefully this is helping him to continue to breathe better. Weight and time seem to be helping.
Benjamin is quite the character as well. They both make the same faces, which I have found odd. They both have the same sad, happy, and crying faces. Yes I know they are identical but they are two different babies in the end. Anyway, these faces might confuse whoever wants to hold them later on because you can't use facial features to tell them apart. There is a birthmark on Benjamin but no one can see it unless you are changing his diaper. Benjamin had a bath today and at first he didn't know what to think of it. He later calmed down long enough only for me to yank him out of the warm water and wrap him up in a towel that wasn't quite as warm. He weighs about 4 lbs 7 oz now. Yes, he is still in the preemie sizes of clothes and I keep trying to put newborn sizes on him and they don't come close to fitting him. Maybe in a week or two those newborn sizes won't be so big. That is it for now. I will try to do more updates. It is hard to keep up with the boys though because they are progressing very quickly. Benjamin is breathing room air right now. He will be the first one home. Hopefully Jacob won't be too far behind because I don't know how I would be able to go and visit him with a newborn home.


  1. I remember those tiny little preemie clothes. The girls were only 4 lbs and so they wore them for awhile. It was kinda a bummer because we had a cute outfit that we bought for when they went home, but it didn't quite fit.
    I'm so glad that they are doing well. It seems like time has flown by. I don't know how your time is going, but I hope that you are well and happy!

  2. Oh, that makes me so sad that Jacob is getting infections on his face! I will pray that he will start to speed up and get home soon. I'm glad to hear that you can hold him for a while and take a nap together, I'm sure that he really enjoys that. So happy to hear about Benjamin, so do you have a possible release date?
