Thursday, December 24, 2009

Continuing at a Different Place

Well, yesterday couldn't have come sooner. The boys were finally moved to Fair Oaks. We are very excited about this. One baby liked the ride, the other did not; go figure. I will have to upload some new photos of them. They have grown enough in 1 week to make a big difference. Baby A doesn't look so anorexic anymore because he has gained some weight. He is over 4 lbs and his cheeks are filling out nicely. Baby 5 is over 5 lbs still. He hasn't put on any new weight. The boys are adjusting to their new place well. The room is HUGE. I really mean that. There is a bathroom in their room as well. That will be nice because I won't have to leave the NICU and then gain entry again to use the bathroom. There is a shower just in case we want to stay. There are lots of chairs and 1 reclining chair which is actually very comfortable. The nurse there told me that they will be pushing the boys to get better quickly. I am okay with that. Yesterday, Baby A started to cry. He looked like he was trying to eat something because he kept turning his head when you would rub his face and he would try to suck on his fists. I put a pacifier in his mouth and he took and was completely happy with it. I was pretty shocked because he has NEVER done this. The nurse was thrilled. Today, he did the same thing. He was upset that he was hungry, like normal babies are, and so I gave him his pacifier and he was thrilled. I don't think he feels satisfied because his feeding tube isn't in his stomach, it is in his intestines. Even Baby B doesn't feel satisfied because he can't have his food from a bottle yet. His tube is in his stomach though so if I am there and he is getting his food I have to give him his pacifier so he feels like he is at least eating his food. Poor kids. I hope this means they can have bottles for them soon. Baby A has to take baby steps to a bottle though. He has to have his feeding tube pulled back into his stomach to see if he can tolerate that first. It will be a very small amount to start out with but eventually the nurses will get to a bottle.
So much changes in the NICU in a blink. It is hard to blog about everything that changes everyday. I did take 2 Christmas stockings over to the NICU and I hung it up on the wall. I am sure Santa knows to go over there. I should be playing Santa but the girls are still awake and you can't be Santa with your kids still awake. I did eat some of the cookies though. :) Hopefully they don't get out of their beds. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. oh i am so glad they are closer to home! I hope they continue to get fat and chubby and can come home soon! You are amazing! I can't believe all the stress and hardtimes you guys have had, but I can tell you are stronger for it and these two little boys are lucky to have you as parents.
