Saturday, November 7, 2009

And Then You Feel Grateful

I went to a meeting for NICU parents this past Friday. It is a support group. I sat there and listened to everyone's stories and the heartache they are going through. Several thoughts crept into my mind after that meeting. One, I am so lucky I made it to nearly 28 weeks. Two, I am even luckier that I had those wonderful perinatologists watching over me (even though it wasn't fun in the hospital). Three, I am grateful I was given the steroid shots exactly when I hit 24 weeks because these babies are breathing really well compared to the other babies whose parents I met. I am thankful I get to touch them as much as I have been able to. I don't think you can touch the babies born at 23 weeks because their skin is still too fragile. It will be a long road in the NICU but our road isn't as long as some others. The baby next to me has been in there for 10 weeks already (he came around 24 weeks) and we think they have about 8 more weeks or so to go.
In the end, yes I am happy and grateful I sat in the hospital for 4 weeks bored out of my mind. I am grateful I have had the best doctors on my side for my entire pregnancy. I am so grateful my time in the hospital was able to buy our boys some great growing time inside. That is what I am thankful for this holiday season.


  1. Oh Shasta....I love and miss you! I hope things continue to go well....way to be positive!

  2. Those NICU parent meetings are always so humbling and also a time to count your blessings. I remember feeling that same way. I remember being taken back by the road others had to travel. You do have a great attitude Shasta. That and your faith will carry you through. You are incredible.

  3. What a wonderful post; your attitude of gratitude will serve you well in the coming weeks.
