Monday, November 23, 2009

Hopefully This Lasts

So, today I went in and was able to kangaroo hold Benjamin. Remember that is when I take my shirt off and I hold the baby to my chest for as long as they let me. It was great and at the end Benjamin let out a yelp right before he went to the nurse. It was so cute. He weighs a whopping 3lbs 14oz. He is doing really well with his food. The nurse also told me that his picc line should be out by the weekend. That is great because I will be able to get him in and out of his isolette without the nurses and I won't have to be as careful of his foot. I am careful with him but with that out if I hold his foot I don't have to worry about the picc line coming out.
Jacob is off of his ventilator!!! For now anyway. The doctor is really hoping he can stay off the ventilator. I didn't hold him tonight but I think I will push for that tomorrow. I hope he will be good and stay off the ventilator. He is on CPAP now. It is at a high rate but they are watching him really closely to see if he is good or not. I am praying he is done with the ventilator. I know he hated that thing. I heard him for the first time today. He is pretty cute as well. I can't wait to hear him yelp like Benjamin did today.