Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Okay Here You Go

I figured I can post 2 pictures of the little ones. I will not be using their names though. If you haven't heard what their names are then you can email me and I will let you know. Anyway, these babies have come a long way and they still have a long way to travel but the road isn't as bumpy anymore (I hope). Baby A is almost off of his ventilator and Baby B is much closer to being off of his ventilator than his brother is. I woke up sick on Tuesday and I have been banned from the NICU until tomorrow. That is pretty hard not being able to see your babies. The nurses keep asking how I am when I call and I keep asking if the boys are sick or not. I really worry that they will get what I had. I don't know what would happen if they would get sick right now. So far the boys are okay though. They are both being fed breast milk. They have both recovered fairly well from their surgery. They are off of their pain medicines and other medications they had to be on for the surgery. Baby A weighs 2lbs 10oz and Baby B weighs 3lbs 3oz. The boys have sandy blonde hair and we still can't tell what their eye color will be. Their hair does seem to be getting lighter with every bath they get though. I am hoping it stays that color. I think that is all for now. I will keep everyone posted on whether or not they get sick. These pictures were taken right after they were born. They have gained a lot of weight since then.
I do have some funny stories about these two though. Our boys apparently are very feisty. Baby A has taken his ventilator out successfully by his self. He was being bathed the other day and he took it out. He is also successful at taking his leads off and scaring the nurses. Baby B is about the same. He was on his stomach the other day with his ventilator in. The nurse walked away and about 15 minutes later she looked over and he had lifted his head and turned to face the other way. The ventilator didn't come out but she was shocked by this. Every time the boys are on their tummies they will scoot all over the place. This also takes the leads off. The nurses all know these two right now. Every nurse I talk to has heard stories of these 2 little ones and they are only 2 weeks old. We are in for it, I think. :) I have other stories but I will save it for another post.


  1. Glad that they are doing good right now! Hope you get feeling better.

  2. oh they are so tiny and cute... how amazing!
