Wednesday, October 7, 2009

An article by Richard G. Scott

Last week my sister texted me and told me that at institute she had a great lesson and the article they went over was even better. She finally texted the name of the article to me and wow, it is a great article. It is called, "Temple Worship: The Source of Strength and Power in Times of Need" by Elder Richard G. Scott. You can just look it up at I loved the whole talk but one thing did stand out to me. One line says, "When we keep the temple covenants we have made and when we live righteously … , we have no reason to worry or to feel despondent."

I love that. This was a great article and of course it all makes perfect sense. I am so glad we have leaders who are inspired by the Lord. We can honestly learn a lot from these men. I am also so glad I was able to enjoy conference at home, uninterrupted so I could fully listen to every speaker. We really enjoyed conference this year. I can't wait to go back and read some of the talks when I get the chance.


  1. Hi Shasta,
    So sorry that you are stuck in the hospital, and I'm sad that you won't be able to see your kiddos for awhile. I feel like I can relate since 1 year ago I was stuck there for 2 weeks-at least you can get out of bed! (I told Doug to tell you some things about staying in a hospital, if he didn't pass the message on let me know and I will email my pointers to you). I also told him to go by the local crafts store and pick some stuff up for you to do, has he done it yet? I was just trying to help him think of some stuff that he could do for you to help you pass the time.
    Anyways, I've always been kind of sad that you guys live so far away, but I'm happy that you live in a place where there are good doctors that can help you. And even though you are upset about being stuck in the hospital (I would be too) I'm happy that they are keeping such a close eye on those babies.
    Let us know if you need any more help, I'm willing to come out too (although I will have a couple of kids in tow).

  2. Shasta! Hang in there, girl. Being in the hospital isn't fun, but remember it won't last forever. You can do anything you need to for a few weeks! YOU CAN DO IT! Think positive. :)

    Good luck!
