Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A whirlwind

Monday, October, 5, 2009 was a whirlwind of a day. It started out normal enough; I woke up, ate breakfast, hurried to get my oldest ready for school and my youngest ready for the babysitter. I had an ultrasound scheduled at 9:30am and we needed to hurry. We all stayed up late the night before, we were at a friend's house for dinner. After the ultrasound, Doug started teasing me that I was going to be incarcerated in the hospital and that I wasn't leaving the hospital for a long time. I laughed as he teased but little did I know how true that was going to be. After a long wait, which is what happens when something is wrong, the doctor did come in and tell me that she wanted me to go to the Fairfax hospital because she wasn't sure when I would be delivering. Fairfax has the better NICU for preemies. So, I was leaving the hospital, only to return to another hospital in the same county. It was almost noon when we left the ultrasound appointment and I was hungry. I told Doug I wanted to go and explain to our oldest what was happening on the way to the hospital. I was also hungry so I wanted to eat lunch with her at her school. She was so excited to see us and I think she was excited we were eating with her.
She is a funny kid. She has always been able to make friends but seeing her with her friends was hilarious. We walked into the cafeteria and all sorts of boys-yes boys- were waving and calling at Emma. She just waved back like it was no big deal. She even sat right in the middle of a table full of boys (she was the only girl at the table), to eat her meal. Unfortunately she had to move to another table to eat with us because there wasn't room for us at her table of friends. After lunch we meandered over to where our youngest was so I could say good bye to her as well. Right now in the hospitals you aren't allowed to have your kids here because of the H1N1 flu scare. So, I needed to say good bye to my girls because I knew it would be a while before I saw them again. A nurse here thinks that the ban will be lifted after the patients here at the hospital have been vaccinated.
Eventually we made our way to the hospital. I could feel this weight just looming over me ready to drop at any minute. After they registered me and showed me to my room, the weight did drop. It is sooooooo BORING here!!!! I feel torn between being here for a long time and wanting to have these babies now. I know it is better if these babies stay inside for as long as possible but do I really want to be here? NO!! I want to be at home with my husband, my kids, my really nice bed, and my halloween decorations. I have never done well being couped up- ask Doug about what happened after our oldest was born and I was told she couldn't leave our apartment until May. FYI- she was born in early February. I had cabin fever so bad at one point Doug kicked me out of the apartment and told me to go to Sonic for a long while. It is hilarious now to look back and think of that time but I hated it.


  1. omg i am like heart broken after this. i want to be out there with the girls so bad. ugg i love you and i am thinking about yall all the time.

  2. Can you have adult visitors? Shasta, hang in there, what can I bring you to relieve the bordom?
