Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Little Thought

I love to write. I am obviously not very good but I used to be. I used to write a lot of poetry and short stories. Of course every short story was made up but I did win some writing contests while I was in high school. I stopped writing after I met Doug because life went on turbo speed after that. I have since packed all of my poetry away. I haven't read anything I have written in years. That is why I have started this blog. This gives me a way to vent, keep a record of what has been going on, and it might help me improve my writing skills, although I have forgotten a lot of the grammatical rules. Just to set the record straight I did not forget to spell. I rarely use spell check because I either know how to spell or I will figure it out for myself and look it up in the dictionary so I can memorize that word. My oldest daughter is feeling the brunt of my obsession with spelling. I always make sure she can spell properly. I do get a few eye rolls every now and then but for the most part she is just as interested in spelling as I am. That is a great thing because her dad still asks me how to spell quite a few things. Although, he does trump me in spelling the legal words, but I am catching on very quickly. ;)
I also wanted to add that even though the stay in this hospital has been pretty awful by anyone's standards, I do hear about the people who read this blog. I am blown away by how many people actually read this blog because most of those people don't even live here in this area. With the visiting hours what they are it is probably hard for people to come and visit a lot. I have my regulars and I love that they come because I would really feel isolated here. I have noticed that on the weeks people can't stop by or call or email, it is extremely hard to get through that week and your attitude changes. Yet, every time I pray about being lonely I know I am not alone. Not for the obvious reasons though. I know we are never alone. I am pretty sure it is also because of how many people pray for me although I don't know about it. Honestly, it can get depressing being in this room 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Since Doug can only come after he puts the girls to bed it limits his time with me. The girls can only be here once a week and that means Doug's mom is only able to be here once a week because she takes care of the girls all week long. So, on the days I don't have visitors to keep me company, my mind starts to wander. I am so glad I believe in praying about my problems and occasional loneliness. I am also glad that others have been praying for me even though I can't hear their prayers. I do feel the love from those prayers and I don't feel so lonely after I pray about it. It is interesting how prayer works. Anyway, there is a little thought to get you through your day.


  1. here is a little thought to get you through your day. i lurve you! oh and me, you, and sin should write a book. we all did the lit thing pretty well in school. kk well i love u and il prolly talk to you tonight. no sonic!:)

  2. I'm glad that you are feeling our support and prayers for you. I know that it's really hard to be there, but it sounds like you are doing great-it can't be too much longer. Plus, the longer you can keep those kids inside you the sooner you can take them home. I can't imagine how hard it would be to leave them at the hospital day after day, so maybe this is better?

  3. Hey darlin, Good thing you have a positive attitude, cus man that would be a sucky time in the hospital. But just think someone is doing your laundary and cooking (even if yucky) for you in the hospital. Rock on to bad it doesn't have room service for good food. Well I love you and always have you in my thoughts. Love ya tons
