Monday, October 26, 2009

Internet Failure

Just when I thought I couldn't be more bored, the internet went out on Friday afternoon and still isn't working (my husband was kind enough to post this for me). I hope that things start working on Monday. At least it isn't just our computer. Apparently the internet for all patients is out.

I was able to get pet therapy I had hoped for. It was great.

The girls were able to visit on Sunday evening. They brought their costumes (E is Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and A is a butterfly princess, complete with wings) so that I could see them. They also brought a small pumpkin we all carved there in the hospital together. E and A both drew the face and my husband cut it out. It is probably the cutest pumpkin we have ever seen just because the eyes are so disproportionately large and are shaped differently. It was a lot of fun. I will post pictures of the pumpkin later.

After our Halloween festivities, my husband came back to the hospital (after he dropped off the girls with grandma) to watch the Angels/Yankees game. I like the Yankees (boo! - my husband's editorial) and my husband cheers for the Nationals, the Phillies, and anyone that isn't the Yankees. It has been fun to watch the postseason together. For the world series, we will both cheer for the Phillies, so it won't be as interesting. We will still watch though. Go Phillies!


  1. Seems like they need to maybe get some better staff to handle their networking at the hospital. It's probably rough for a lot of bored patients when they are stuck without the internet. I'm so glad that you got to see your kids in their costumes and carve a pumpkin with them, they will probably remember doing that with you.

  2. I am sorry you are having a sucky time in the hospital. I promise that when I become a nurse I will be a fun and helpful nurse. I am jealous about the pet thearpy. Rock on!!! Sounds like you need a few dogs in your room to help you relax. hehe Just dress your girls up in puppy costums and tell the hospital it is your personal pet therapy. hehe worth a try. love ya tons kat
