Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 3...I love my own pillow

A year ago Doug and I had to buy a new bed. We had our old one for a long time and it was time to replace it. Many of you know that I love to use coupons and of course I was bound to find a coupon for something free during our shopping trip. After looking for days on end at all of the different mattress retailers I found the best coupons were at Sleepy's. I ended up with 2 free latex pillows, that we love, by the end of that trip. :) Well, over the past few months I ended up taking Doug's pillow and my pillow so I can sleep better. ;) Now that I am in the hospital, I only have my pillow in here with me. It makes the difference between an okay night's of rest and a great sleep. I am so glad I have it. I wonder if I can get Doug to bring me his pillow and I would be set. :)

Visiting Rules: (pulled directly from the inova website)
  • There will be two blocks of visiting hours – one from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and one from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Visitors with any symptoms of influenza-like illness are not allowed.
  • Visitors (including siblings) under the age of 18 are not allowed.
  • Only two people may visit an inpatient at a time.

So that is how it will be during the h1n1 swine flu scare (at least for now). Doug doesn't visit during the week during those times so don't worry if you want to come by then you won't be taking up his time with me. He doesn't have restrictions as to when he can visit so he comes by late at night, when he can. Until later on today...


  1. Isn't it funny how much a pillow can mean to someone. I got in the habbit of sleeping with three pillows while I was pregnant with Owen and I still must have three pillows. If I don't have them I'm tossing all night and wake up in a terrible mood.

  2. Hey darlin,
    I am so sorry you are stuck in a lame hospital. I know I would be going crazy by day one. But remember to think of the positive things around you. Like hey you don't even have to make your own bed. ROCK on!!! Love you and will keep you in our kat
