Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 5

Doug's mom arrived early last night. They ate dinner and then Doug came over to be with me. As soon as Doug arrived his mom called and our youngest was in tears. She talked to Doug for a minute then I talked to our youngest. She was upset and it made me tear up as well. I could imagine this little girl just wanting to be hugged, with tears running down her face. Poor girl. :( We will see when they will let me bring the girls in here. I put my request in so we will see what happens.
So far things are still stable. I did find out a little fact that helps being stuck in here. Every day I am in here roughly equates to 2 days the babies don't have to be in the NICU. So, I know it helps but it is torture your kids aren't allowed in here. Stupid swine flu. The babies look great though and things are good for today. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and kind thoughts. I am still pregnant so they are obviously working.


  1. We are sending happy thoughts your way and wishing you a peaceful rest before you are immersed in an amazing adventure of busy mothering! We love you and your cute family...

  2. Oh how sad for your girls! I'm glad they'll have their grandma though. How long will she stay for? Good to hear that your still pregnant :)
