Monday, October 19, 2009

26 weeks 5 and football

The highlight of this past weekend was being able to see Doug for a lot longer than one hour and being able to see the girls again. I now have my own room, thank goodness, so Doug is able to stay as long as he wants or he could stay overnight. I don't know if he will do that because the 'bed' for him is very uncomfortable and we think the girls might freak if they were to wake up and find that Doug isn't there. It has been fun though because Doug and I were able to watch the entire Yankees game together. It was a lot of fun because he was rooting for the Angels (no he isn't a fan but anyone that is against the Yankees will get his support), and I was rooting for the Yankees. We watched 12 innings here at the hospital. After the 12th inning I could barely keep my eyes open. So, at about 1am he went home and turned the tv on to finish it. Unfortunately, I couldn't resist the lure of the exciting game so I turned the tv on again and finished the game. 13 innings, wow!!!!!! I could barely keep my eyes open. I was glad the Yankees were able to finish it off. Doug texted me with his disdain of the Yankees winning. :) Our hope is that the Phillies can pull it off and make it to the World Series. Then both of us will be rooting for the Phillies. That would be great to watch.
I watched the Eagles play as well. I was sorely disappointed that they lost because they did not play well at all. It was frustrating to watch because I know they can do a lot better than that. Doug was pretty upset as well when I told him how the game had been going because the Eagles lost to the Raiders. Really? I mean, lose to the Patriots or the Saints. Not the raiders. Definitely don't lose to the Redskins!!!! They are pretty bad this year. Yes I love to watch football and baseball. I have never been to a football game, maybe one day.
I have been to several baseball games. Since we have moved out here we have seen several Nationals games. Now my girls LOVE the Nationals and my oldest brings her pink and black baseball mitt to the games so she can try and catch a foul ball. We have only been close enough to even try for a foul ball one time. It was a few weeks ago and we were thrilled to be so close. The tickets were given to us by a friend. Anyway, so before the Nationals were up to bat, when they would come back to the dugout the pitcher would always throw the ball to the crowd. The first time was the closest my oldest came to getting a ball. The pitcher threw the ball to the little boy behind her. She was so excited it almost went to her. :) Then as the night wore on you could see her disappointment written all over her face. Right before we left, as the Nationals were coming back to the dugout everyone stood up to try and catch a ball. Well, my oldest was jumping up and down and she was so excited. At that precise moment, a very thin, beautiful, 20 something, tall girl stood on her seat a few rows in front of my oldest and guess who received that ball? The whole section we were in started laughing hysterically. It was hilarious. My oldest was distraught though. Of course my oldest didn't understand why the other girl was given the ball and she wasn't. My daughter was distraught because, and I quote, "how was I supposed to catch the ball when that girl was standing on her seat?! The pitcher couldn't see me!!" My sweet thing. For the rest of the night my daughter made sure to stand on her seat as well to try and catch the ball. She didn't end up catching one of those balls or a foul ball so we will try next year I suppose.
Then a few years ago Doug and I were lucky enough to be given tickets to the 4th, Cardinals-Boston game of the World Series. We were living in Delaware at the time so we decided to take the long drive out to St. Louis, overnight, so we could see the game later the same day we arrived. My sister came with us so she could watch our oldest while we were at the game. It was so much fun. I think Doug inhaled 2 sausage hot dogs with onion, peppers, and mushrooms. YUCK!!! Of course that was the beginning of what we ate. It was nice to have a date night at a place we really both enjoyed. We were hoping the Cardinals would win but if you know your baseball history then you know what happened. That was the year Boston 'broke the curse'. It was crazy after the game. I am glad we weren't in Boston for that win, I could only imagine how crazy it would have been. It was crazy enough and we were in St. Louis. A few months later the movie, Fever Pitch came out and it was great to see because at the end of the movie they show a few scenes from the game we were at. We really had a great time and of course we took a ton of pictures because we didn't know when we would ever be able to get back to a World Series game. If you look at my facebook account, my profile picture is of my husband and I at that game.
Before I end this post I will also add that I watch the Cardinals first. Then, if they don't make it to the World Series, I will watch the Philles. I do keep close tabs on the Phillies although I don't watch all of their games. I watch the Yankees because they are the Yankees, they are a pretty good team, and it is fun to watch Doug 'boo' at the Yankees when they do win. :)


  1. That makes me so sad that girl got the ball and (not sure if you want me saying her name on here) your oldest didn't! I'm sure if that guy could have seen her behind that tall/lanky girl he would have chosen to throw it to her-I'm certain that she is much cuter.

  2. Yes I think my daughter is definitely cuter than the other girl. I am sure we will go to more ball games in the future though. We will catch one eventually, I hope.
