Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 2 and BORED!!!

I have no idea how I will get through this, if I am already bored on day 2. YIKES!!! The problem is that I LOVE the fall and everything associated with it. I love the changing weather, the colors on the trees, the fall food I make every year without fail, my decorations for the fall and halloween, and the excitement of getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yes, I plan Thanksgiving and Christmas meals in October. I spend October testing out recipes and fixing the recipes to my tasting. By the time Thanksgiving and Christmas come around I have the perfect meal planned out and everyone loves what I have come up with. I can't do that from the hospital. :( Although I am excited that Doug's mom is coming; maybe she will make some caramel popcorn for me. I also love to make cookies and goodies for my friends. I love the look on their faces when I would randomly show up and present good treats. Oh well. I have all of next year to look forward to, I suppose.
I managed to get through today by texting a lot of my friends and family. Doug also came by for a couple of hours and that was great. Unfortunately, it ended up being him talking the whole time because he is the only one who has done anything in the last 24 hours. Any news about the babies I text him with immediately. It was fun to just have him here though, it wasn't so boring. I also found out that after I have been here for 7 days, my name gets put on a list for my own room at no charge. YEAH for that!! Again, am I excited to be here for that long, no but at least there is a perk...my own room. Soon I will be moved to a window bed, when one opens up.


  1. We are thinking of you and the babies. Atleast you are in the right place for them. This blog is an excellent idea. Let us know what we can do for you all.

  2. Dearest Shasta,
    We love you and are praying for you and your sweet babies. Thank you for keeping us all updated on the situation. Whenever I think about you I always picture you with a beautiful smile and a calm spirit.
    Missing you,

  3. I totally always think of you guys at Halloween time with your family of Harry Potter costumes and the meal you made for us actaully cooked in a pumpkin!

    Oh and by the way... I LOVED when it was was my turn to randomly recieve some of those yummy treats you made! You can still randomly mail me some anytime you want! ;)

    Feel better soon and try to keep busy. blogging is a good idea! Cook those babies in your own little pumpkin as long as you can! :)

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  4. Yes, I am coming as fast as I can.

    And, I printed out my popcorn recipe and had planned to surprise you ---- Act surprised will you please.

    I am bringing some activities and lots of prayers and love. The family is solidly around you.

    Remember you are loved, so very much. And to para phase the scripture which you will hate me for -- "Thine adversity shall be for a short while. . ."
    Love you,
    Grandma B -
