Thursday, October 8, 2009

Technology Woes

I woke up this morning and I ate my breakfast, like I normally do. I set my computer on my lap and I opened the internet. It didn't work!!! I tried again, and again, and again. It wasn't working. I was really freaking out because I couldn't get an internet connection and I thought it was just my computer. I really wanted to scream. I finished my breakfast and tried not to think about it, but with the internet being my ONLY access to the outside world, how do you not freak out about that? I tried everything I could think of and then I called Doug so I could whine to him about it. He tried to think of everything that would work and after nothing, he said I would just have to wait until he came tonight. NOOOOOO!!!!! That was like forever away in the land of the lost in the hospital. I didn't want to wait. Doug then tells me to ask my room mate if she had a connection or if it was just down everywhere. I finally ask and thank goodness, it was a bad connection all over the hospital. :) Okay then, at least they were working on it. I am not the only one who NEEDS the internet to work. :) Obviously, now I have the internet but I was panicking earlier. This would have made my wait here a lot harder to bear without the internet.


  1. Oh I bet that did freak you out! Thank heaven for internet huh? Hang in there babe!!! Those little boys need to cook a little longer!

  2. :( i posted a comment and it is now gone. booo. but perhaps i didnt actually post it and i am just a little bit weird. kk well the boys blankets are officially done! i decided not to make a big deal over the one cause its not bad. im just a bit of a perfectionist sometimes. well i will get them out today hopefully and if not tmrw! love ya. oh and dont freak out over the internet! you stay calm maam. haha kk love ya!
